Articles by Kody Hudson

SEO letters Effective Tech Solutions

Boosting SEO through Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics are some of the most vital aspects of your SEO campaign, yet they are also the ones that are most often neglected. Without Indicators, you will be unable to monitor the development of your strategy, verify that your goals…

artificial intelligence Latest Strategies

The Three Most Prominent Trends in the World of Business

The tech industry is a vast and ever-changing landscape. It brought the world smartphones, laptops, gaming consoles, machines, household appliances, and so many other inventions that people today couldn’t live without. And technology is only continuing to make itself more necessary as time goes on….

digital marketing Latest Strategies

Trends in Digital Marketing

On August 6, 1991, while working at the CERN lab in Geneva, Switzerland, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee published the first website. One wonders whether at the time he could have imagined the tech-marketing explosion this would lead to. With that in mind, let us explore five…