Business Operations

Job interview - two attractive business woman recruiting. Business Operations

The Impact of Technology on Job Hunting

In the past, job hunting was a tedious process that often took weeks or even months. You had to scour newspapers and job boards, send out dozens of resumes and cover letters, and then wait for someone to call you back for an interview. And…

pay per click Business Operations

Tapping Into the E-commerce Industry: a Quick Guide

The e-commerce industry is one of the largest industries today, and it’s still relatively young. First actualized in 1994 when a man by the name of Phil Brandenberger purchased an album of a friend, e-commerce is now a multi-billion dollar industry. Despite its age and…

contractor Business Operations

How Can Contractors Get More Projects Right Now?

How do you win more construction bids? How can you get more construction projects seeing as many of these have been put to stop because of the pandemic? Now that they are slowly coming back, the construction companies are scrambling to get as many projects…

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