Engage Online Users More to Nudge Your SEO Upward

SEO team having a meeting

SEO team having a meetingSearch engine optimization (SEO) largely relies on on-page, inbound links, and content. On a lesser level, however, SEO also relies on user engagement. Google takes note of online user behaviors on your website. Their behavior, in turn, could affect your search engine rankings.

To ensure a positive impact, you can learn some of the metrics for user engagement here. With the help of a Sarasota SEO company, you can improve your website accordingly.

How Long Do Users Stay?

Dwell Time measures how long users spend on your website. Compared to users’ dwell time on other websites, your rankings will be affected in some way. The more users spend on your website, the better for your SEO. How can you make users stay? You can add a video or two. Visuals like graphics, images, and typography will also help.

How Many Users Return?

In conjunction with Dwell Time, you have return visits. These show how much users return to your website. Google Analytics can easily show you the metric. In general, return visits at about 15% will be healthy for your SEO. As long as you attract more repeat visitors than your competitors, yours will be good to go.

How Many Share You on Social Media?

As social media can also affect your SEO, the next metric (social shares) will also need your attention. Social signals, such as tweets or Facebook shares, will show Google how relevant your website is and boost your rankings. Of course, inbound links from proper websites still matter more, but your social shares will help a little.

How Many Comments?

Finally, when you have a blog, comments will be necessary. Comments allow users to communicate with you directly. With such an open line of communication, users will be attracted to engage with you more. More engagement, as you already know, means boosts to your SEO.

With all these metrics, you can analyze your website and take the appropriate actions. Develop the rest of your SEO as well, and you will bring your company to the top search engine spot.

About the author

Kody Hudson

Meet Kody Hudson, an experienced tech writer and entrepreneur. Kody has worked in the tech industry for over a decade and is passionate about helping small businesses succeed with modern solutions. With his vast knowledge of digital marketing and business strategies, he can provide expert advice on maximizing success with tech solutions. Aside from tech, Kody loves outdoor activities, collecting vinyl records, and cooking. Join Kody on his journey to help businesses grow smarter and stronger with the latest technology.

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